How do I add new or favorite items to my Pantry List?

Your dashboard Pantry List allows you to save your favorite items and products; so you can easily find them the next time you shop. This is especially helpful if the supplier you’re buying from sells hundreds of products at their store.

Saving favorite or frequently bought items to this list will save you time vs. manually finding them every time you shop. 

NOTE: You can remove items from your Pantry List by clicking on the red heart, to switch it off.


To add items to your Pantry List, as you shop:

Step 1: Launch your FoodByUs sign-in page.

Step 2: Enter your FoodByUs registered e-mail address and password, then click on “SIGN IN”.


Step 3: From your dashboard, click on Pantry List.


Step 4: Enter the suburb or postcode of your FoodByUs registered address.


Then click on your registered location to confirm.


Step 5: Click on the Categories dropdown arrow and tick the box of your chosen category. STEP 5 - Pantry List


For instance, Dairy & Eggs.


Step 6: Hit the Click here link, to view all Dairy & Eggs products


This will take you to a list of suppliers who deliver to your location.


Note each supplier’s:

  1. Minimum order requirement (if any);
  2. Delivery fee (if any);
  3. Cut-off time; 
  4. Delivery schedule; and
  5. Delivery days

Step 7: Click on the supplier you’d like to shop from.


Step 8: At the supplier’s storefront, click on the heart beside an item’s Add button to add that item to your Pantry List. 


To the left of your dashboard, hit Pantry List; the product is now saved here.


To find items faster, use the search bar:

Step 9: Type the name of the product in the search bar, then hit Enter on your keyboard.


For example:


To the left of your dashboard, hit Pantry List; the product is now saved here.