How do I contact a supplier?

You can directly contact suppliers from your buyer dashboard. You may do so via:

  1. My Orders; or
  2. My Suppliers

To contact a supplier via My Orders:

Step 1: Launch your FoodByUs sign-in page.

Step 2: Enter your FoodByUs registered e-mail address and password, then click on “SIGN IN”.


Step 3: From your dashboard, click on My Orders.


Step 4: Then click on the link of the supplier you wish to contact re: your order.


Step 5: On the supplier’s page, click on Contact.


Call up the supplier.

STEP 5_Image 2 - How to contact a supplier


Or send them a message.

STEP 5_Image 3 - How to contact a supplier


Fill out the message fields, then hit Send Message.


If you happen to be viewing the order which you’d like to contact the supplier about:

Step 6: Click on the supplier’s name in blue. This will take you to the supplier’s page.


Repeat Step 5.


To contact a supplier via My Suppliers:

Step 7: From your dashboard, click on My Suppliers.


Choose the supplier you’d like to contact, then hit Contact.


Repeat Step 5.