How do I edit or update my contact details?


Your contact details include information through which FoodByUs and its suppliers can reach you re: your order or order-related issues and concerns. It’s best to provide your business email address and mobile number, if possible.


You may edit or update the following contact details in your FoodByUs account:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Mobile Number; and 
  • Marketing email

To edit or update the above:


Step 1: Launch your FoodByUs sign-in page.

Step 2: Enter your FoodByUs registered email address and password, then click on “SIGN IN”.



Step 3: From your buyer dashboard, click on the My Account drop down arrow.


Then click on Contacts.


Step 4: Click on “Edit Preference”.


Step 5: Edit or update your desired contact detail(s) 


Step 6: Click on “Update” to save the changes.