How do I apply or use my voucher?
When you sign up with FoodByUs, you will receive a voucher worth AUD50.00 in your welcome e-mail.
This voucher code may be applied only to your first purchase.
To use this or other vouchers:
Step 1: Launch your FoodByUs sign-in page.
Step 2: Enter your FoodByUs registered e-mail address and password, then click on “SIGN IN”.
Step 3: From your dashboard, go to “Search”.
Step 4: Enter the postcode of your FoodByUs registered address in the pop-up window.
Then confirm your location.
Step 5: Choose and click on any product category on the search page, to start shopping.
Each category will open a page of suppliers who deliver to your location.
Note each supplier’s:
- Minimum order requirement (if any);
- Delivery fee (if any);
- Cut-off time;
- Delivery schedule; and
- Delivery days
Step 6: Click on your supplier of choice to launch their store, and start adding items you’d like to purchase to your cart.
Step 7: When you’re done shopping, review the items in your cart and click on the checkout button.
Step 8: Enter your complete FoodByUs registered address in the address box. Then under it, click on its equivalent on Google Maps, to confirm your location.
Your delivery address is now set.
Step 9: Choose your delivery date. Click on the dropdown arrow to launch the calendar. Then click on your preferred date from those highlighted.
Your delivery date is now set.
Note that available delivery dates vary per supplier. Click on “Continue”.
Step 10: Under “Payment”, click on “apply voucher”.
Type in your voucher code in the box, then click on “Add”.
Your voucher is now redeemed.
IMPORTANT: Your welcome voucher applies to your first purchase, only. It will become invalid if you fail to use it or if you attempt to use it after your first purchase, as shown below. |
Step 11: Review your order one last time.
Or, go straight to paying for and completing it.
If you need more help on redeeming vouchers, contact our Customer Service Team via