How do I place an order with more than one/ multiple suppliers?

Not all items or products you need may be offered by the same supplier at FoodByUs. So you might have to place an order with more than one supplier. This, in fact, is a common practice by many of our wholesale buyers.


To place an order with more than one or multiple suppliers:

Step 1: Launch your FoodByUs sign-in page.

Step 2: Enter your FoodByUs registered e-mail address and password, then click on “SIGN IN”.


Step 3: From your dashboard, click on “Search”.


Step 4: Enter the postcode of your FoodByUs registered address in the pop-up window.


Then confirm your location.


Step 5: Choose and click on your chosen product category on the Search page, to start shopping.


Each category will open a page of suppliers who deliver to your location, based on your tagged suburb and postcode.

Note each supplier’s:

  1. Minimum order requirement (if any);
  2. Delivery fee (if any);
  3. Cut-off time; 
  4. Delivery schedule; and
  5. Delivery days


NOTE: Ordering from more than one supplier with NO or AUD0.00 minimum order requirement will work to your best advantage. However, this may not always be the case such as when the product you’d like to buy is only available from a supplier with a minimum order requirement of -- say, AUD150.00. This means to successfully place an order, you’d have to buy a total of AUD150.00 worth of products from them. See below example.

Likewise, if you use search to find items and come across one with a blue Access button, it means this item is offered by a supplier who does not deliver to your area. Hence, ignore these items.


Step 6: To ensure a smooth transaction, choose a supplier whose items you can add to your cart, and click on the supplier’s link to launch their store and keep shopping.


Step 7: Keep adding items to your cart until you reach the minimum order requirement (if any) or have everything you want to buy. 


Step 8: Next, click on Search to pick another supplier. You may choose from a different category, as well; for instance, Dairy & Eggs.



Once again, be mindful of the supplier’s minimum order requirement and delivery details.


Step 9: Add items to your cart until you reach the minimum order requirement or have everything you want to buy. 


To speed up your shopping, use the Search bar to find specific items within the supplier’s store. If they offer no such product, the following options will appear.


NOTE: To save time when shopping for the first time, search for specific items in the Search page, to immediately filter out suppliers who don’t offer those items. Results will yield the names of suppliers who sell the item you need. 


Hover your mouse on the name of the supplier whose item you’d like to buy, to learn about their minimum order requirement (if any) and delivery details.


If you’d like to proceed with ordering from them, click on their name to launch their storefront.


Add items to your cart until you meet the minimum order requirement (if any) or you have everything you need to buy from them.


Step 10: If your venue is hard to find or requires special directions, make it a point to provide delivery instructions. If not, complete your checkout and pay for your order


Consider including the following:

  • The exact area in or outside your venue where you'd like your order to be left (e.g. on the counter in the kitchen; inside the ref); 
  • Onsite point-of-contact/ staff who can receive your order (if any); 
  • Contacting you at a specific time for you to receive the order yourself when delivery is delayed; and 
  • The exact location and code of your lock box (if any) 


Step 11: Proceed to checkout and provide your delivery details. Note that each supplier you order from will manage their own delivery. So if you order from two suppliers, for instance, expect two separate deliveries depending on each of their delivery schedules.


NOTE: FoodByUs will consolidate all orders into one invoice; but expect to receive an invoice breakdown per supplier you order from.


If you need more help on how to order from multiple suppliers, contact our Customer Service Team or e-mail